While some advised taking down the majestic sugar maples at the back of the property, we are grateful for all that they provide -- cooling shade in the heat of summer, a colorful show in autumn, and then a kind release of leaves to let in the warming winter sun. It is because of these very trees that a super-insulated house built here will require significantly less energy to heat and cool. Working with Mother Nature is a beautiful thing.
I'm an interior designer, raising awareness about healthy and sustainable design. We built THE CONCORD GREEN HEALTHY HOME to showcase these principles, while wrapping them in a beautiful, classic aesthetic. Want to make your home Healthier? Greener? More Comfortable and Inviting?
Visit www.lisatharp.com, or email me at Lisa@ktharpdesign.com to learn about our interior design services.
Thoreau's Cabin - On Walden Pond
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately. To front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." - Henry David Thoreau
Design Excellence = Old + New
THE CONCORD GREEN HEALTHY HOME harnesses the best of old and new building principles. Like our ancestors, we respected the position of the warming sun, cooling breeze and shady trees. Better than the past, we super-insulated to retain comfortable indoor temps and minimize energy use. The home is rooted in classical architecture, but was panelized off-site to cut waste and protect materials from weather, thus reducing chance of rot and mold.
The Team
A big thanks to the design team members, who were open to the rather frightening idea of having two sets of architects for THE CONCORD GREEN HEALTHY HOME: ZeroEnergy Design, green architects/mechanical designers, and Connor Homes, creators of reproduction "New Old Homes". This project would not be possible without Aedi Construction, our resourceful healthy home builder.
To Sam, my rock. Thank you for your love, your steadfast support, your ability to make me laugh no matter what, and your patience with my "canary" ways. Without you, none of this work would be possible.
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