I wish I had found this book earlier. Like me, these authors - an architect, a doctor and an environmental health scientist - have all experienced first-hand the difficult long term effects of indoor air pollution, now "one of the top four environmental health risks identified by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)". Also like me, none of them had intended to focus their life's work on healthy design -- that is, until they personally learned how critically important it is.
Just 35 years ago, things were different. Before the energy crisis of the 70's, buildings were not sealed tightly. They also didn't contain the thousands of synthetic chemicals that are now an every day part of the most commonly used building materials. Most people are simply unaware of the many toxins present in their homes, schools and workplaces, and more importantly, of the ill effects caused by repeat exposures.
Thankfully, these pitfalls are easy to avoid if one is informed. In a step-by-step manner that smartly follows the sequential phases of construction, Prescriptions for a Healthy House shows you how to ensure that your family's indoor environment will be safe... providing the do's and don't of building methods and materials selection in an accessible, easy to follow format. I suggest a little additional research to see if there are even better alternatives introduced into the marketplace since the book's most recent edition was published.
Check it out at your local library, or online at Amazon.

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